Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome to Drawing I.

If you want to be in a hands-on, creative environment, where diligence and hard work will improve your drawing knowledge and skills, you are in the right place. Welcome!

For our next class, please do the following:
1.     Read  Cultivating Creativity (pg. 1-5) found in Moodle.
2.     Answer the questions found below, on the reading, by leaving a comment before next Wednesday. Make sure you type your name before answering the questions in the comments, to receive credit.
3.     In small sketchbook: Find a reflective surface and draw it using line. (i.e. metal trash can, faucet, etc.) What can you see in the reflection? Tell a story with line…….
4.     Buy kit /supplies. for next week bring everything.


Answer these questions in the comments. 

  1. Your Name?
  2. What is creativity?
  3. What is the most memorable thing for you, from the reading?
  4. Do you agree? Disagree?


  1. 1. Samantha Solomon
    2. Creativity is like the creation, invention, or origination of something like a piece of art work. it can be expressed in a bunch of different ways.
    3. I think the most memorable thing from the reading was that you should constantly set goals for ourself to give yourself something the strive for or work towards in the future.
    4. I agree with most of the things in the reading because i feel like the things that were in the reading can help you through tough situations if you take some time and plan out a schedule or just a plan of action to deal with the obstacle.

  2. 1. Jenna Mucci
    2. Creativity is the creating of a piece of art such as painting, drawing or anything.
    3. The most memorable thing for me from the ready was when they said that artists need to listen to other people and not just their own ideas.
    4. I agree completely, I think that if an artist wants to succeed then they need to listen to other's critiques and ideas. They help your art work become better and they might think of something you didn't think to do.

  3. 1. Erin O'Sullivan
    2. Creativity is being able to think and express something in an original way, and to create artwork and ideas that are interesting and appealling.
    3. The most memorable thing from the reading was the part about how a creative person should have a balance of risk-taking and safe-keeping because risk-taking gets a job started, and the safe-keeper gets it done.
    4. I agree with the goal setting section. It definitley seems like a productive way to organize and get things done sufficiently. As for the creative part, I agree with most of it but it made it out to seem that to be creative you have to have very specific qualities.

  4. 1.Ashlyn Gamerman
    2. Creativity is being able to look at something with open eyes, and turn it into a masterpiece of your own. You can take something plain and simple and turn it into something beautiful. Creativity is taking your owns thoughts and curiosity and bringing them to a whole different level.
    3. The most memorable thing from the reading was the part that talked about creative thinking. I agree with how it talked about old habits being broken, and familiar patterns of thought being transferred when you are able to think in a creative way.
    4. I agree with almost everything in the reading because it's the basic rules that an artist should live by if they plan on being successful. It's important to set goals for yourself, use time management, and see the big picture just as the reading says.

  5. 1. Vanessa Pereira.

    2. Creativity is being able to create something, imagine something, or manipulate something into something new. It has many definitions and can be applied to all branches of the arts, sciences, philosophy, etc. For me, creativity is being able to create something from nothing.

    3. The most memorable part of the reading for me was the part about the characteristics of creative thinking. Read about the individual traits was really interesting and extremely relateable (especially the parts about conviction and wide ranges of interests!).

    4. I absolutely agree with the reading. Setting goals and taking criticism well are crucial parts of being an artist. If one shuts down or quits due to one or two negative comments or an unwanted or unexpected result, it's extremely counterproductive -- stopping then won't help you improve, change, or learn.

  6. 1. Nicole Stafford

    2. Creativity is being able to use your imagination to come up with something unique and original.

    3. The most memorable part for me in the reading was when it talked about the seven characteristics of creative thinking. Especially when i feel a lot of the characteristics appeal to me ( Connection seeking, Curiosity, Receptivity)

    4.I agree with the reading because it's what any artist, or person, should take into consideration. Criticisms help us improve what we strive to accomplish, time management helps us finish what we have to, and goal setting helps us reach further opportunities then we thought we would've before.

  7. 1: Christopher Zakrzewski

    2: Creativity is a subjective concept. All minds are different and thus the constructs of these unique entities are always creative and unique.

    3: The part that resonated with me the most was the emphasis on the reception of all ideas, your own and others, to create new and unique works.

    4: I loosely agree with the reading but one should never lose ones self in the process of receiving criticism. For criticism to be of value both parties must be receptive and cooperative.
