Saturday, October 20, 2012

Andy Warhol

  • He is deceased, he lived form 1928-1987
  • He was a leading figure in the visual art movement also known as Pop Art. He studied commercial art at the school of fine arts. 
  • Fun fact: he was banned from the art club at his high school because he was substantially better than all the others that were in the group.
  • I love his work because he didn't just stick with one form of expression he did films, music, as well as screen printing. His work was unique and very interesting.
Samantha Solomon

1 comment:

  1. I really like his use of color. I like how it is really vibrant and not like everyone else. I also like how you mentioned how he didn't do just paintings. I really love the fun fact about him being kicked out of art class. Crazy how things happen.
