Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Inspiring Artist

Kayla Souza
We went to the same high school. I was close enough to her to see how she did all her artwork. She usually focused on animals, photography and pottery and stuff like that.
I like animal based stuff, that's' chill, and that's what she usually focused on, so i'm pretty sure that's what drew me in. And she always used a lot of color, that caught my eye too.


  1. She looks like she does excellent work! I love the use of different shades of green in the trees in the background; it makes it look nice and dynamic, while not detracting from the elephant in the foregound. :)

  2. I agree, the different shades of green in the trees are very well done. I also like the shading done on the elephant. It is as if she sat down in front of the elephant and drew it. Very well done.
